Table of Contents

Python: Getting Started

nominalpy is a Python package that can be installed on any device that allows for Python scripting of Nominal simulations via the Nominal REST API. The API runs on the cloud and, provided the user has an account that is still active, this interface allows for simulations to be run without visualization. This package is free to download from PyPi and installs all required directories. To run simulations, an API key must be purchased from Nominal Systems and be valid for the duration of the simulation. The library wraps many of the REST endpoints, making the API easier to access through Python programming.


Table of Contents

  1. Installing nominalpy
  2. Example Scenarios
  3. API Access Keys
  4. Printing Logs

Minimum Requirements

  • Python 3.7+: Python 3 must be installed on the machine and must be at least Python 3.7 for the functionality to work as expected.
  • API Key: A valid API key is required for accessing the Nominal API. For more information on API keys, please contact Nominal Systems via the website.

Key Learnings

  • Installing the module: Showcasing how to install nominalpy from the repository.
  • Example Scripts: Looking at some example scripts found in the online example repository.
  • Access Keys: An understanding on how to add an API key to the project when running a scenario.