Table of Contents

Getting Started: Installing nominalpy

nominalpy is the Python project module that has been uploaded to PyPi and is accessible using the standard Python Pip tool for Windows, MacOS and Linux devices. This package includes wrapper functionality around the REST API, allowing for more intuitive access to the simulation architecture. For many use cases, Python is a preferable method for running simulations over using the Unreal Engine or even Nominal Studio. However, this does not allow for visualizations or engine-specific functionality to occur. As a result, the simulations are often able to run faster.

PyPi Repository

nominalpy has been uploaded to the PyPi - the public standard repository of Python projects. This can be accessed via any terminal interface that contains Python. Additionally, the GitHub repository for this project has been made publicly available for reading and the source code is open.


These links can be found below:

Installing the Package

The package can be installed on any operating system that has Python 3.7 or higher installed already. This can be installed using a terminal or command prompt and entering the following command:

pip install nominalpy


Installing nominalpy will also install the following dependencies that are required for some of the sub-modules within the package. These will be installed via the same command above and does not require additional functionality:

  • NumPy: For standardizing numeric values, matrices and arrays
  • pandas: For exporting data from the simulation as data-frames
  • requests: For making HTTP requests to the public urls
  • urllib3: For making requests with the REST API end-points
  • paho-mqtt: For making MQTT protocol requests for visualization and data
  • matplotlib: For plotting data and visualization

Testing the Package

To test that nominalpy has been installed, open up a new Python terminal and check that nominalpy can be imported into the project correctly. As an example to fetch functionality from the repository, a constant can be returned from the nominalpy.maths.constants module.



Although nominalpy is free to install, accessing the simulation with simulation classes will require a valid and active access key or license.