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FAQ: How do I Package my UGC content?


UGC mods is currently not supported natively by Unreal Engine 4.26. Have a look in the FAQ if you want to install UGC in Unreal Engine.

How do I package my Mod?

Once all content has been placed in your Mod’s content folder, you can package it into a single zip for distribution. This allows tools like Studio to load your mods at runtime and be able to place them in the scene. You will NominalModKit to package your UGC mod. Once you have installed and opened the software, you can follow along with the step-by-step guide below:

  • In the top toolbar, click on the Package UGC button
    • In the dropdown menu, select the mod you want to package
  • A window will appear to select the directory of your packaged mod
    • Navigate in the file explorer to the desired output directory
    • Finally, click the Select Folder button
  • Your mod will start packaging and will notify you once it has been completed



Make sure the NominalModKit.uproject JSON file does not point to the Mods folder. You may need to remove it manually before packaging or each time you create a new mod.

My Mod failed during Packaging?

Some of the information in the FAQ may provide some solutions to why your package may have failed. Assuming UGC is already installed in your Unreal Engine installation, here are a few things to check:

  • Please save all your Blueprints before packaging your Mod
  • Please fix all Blueprint errors or warnings before packaging your Mod
  • Apply Validate Assets in Folder in your Mod’s & Default content folders
  • Apply Fix Up Redirectors in Folder in your Mod’s & Default content folders
  • For more in-depth information, have a look at the OutputLog if the packaging fails
    • The logs should provide more information on the issue
    • You can find it under the Window\Developer Tools\Output Log menu
    • The packaging notification will also have a link to show the output log

My Mod packaged but can't be listed?

Due to how Unreal Engine plugins work - a UGC package is essentially a content-only plugin. Because UGC packages/plugins are created in a Mods folder, unreal will try to add additional plugin directories to the .uproject file. This will cause invalid paths to be written during the packaging process:

  • Open the NominalModKit install folder
  • Edit the .uproject with your preferred text editor
  • Remove "AdditionalPluginDirectories" from the JSON
  • Finally, save the .uproject and re-package all your mods again

Another reason for your package not listing your components is not filling out the PackageInformation struct on the blueprint variables. This is located under the Physical Object variable category:

  • Open the component blueprint you want to export
  • In the variables panel, make sure Inherited Variables is ticked
  • Locate the Physical Object variable category
  • Open the collapsed variable Package Information
    • Fill out all empty fields
    • Make sure to set the correct Socket Type :
      • For a chassis, it should be flagged as root
      • For a component, it should not be flagged as a root
      • For a spacecraft, it is recommended to leave as root (optional)
  • Save all your blueprints and re-package all your mod