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FAQ: How do I import my UGC package in Studio?


UGC mods is currently not supported natively by Unreal Engine 4.26. Have a look in the FAQ if you want to install UGC in Unreal Engine.

Extracting packaged UGC

Once all your UGC content has been packaged into a zip file, you need to extract it under Studio mods folder. This will allow your blueprints created in NominalModKit to be placed from the inventory panel in Studio viewport. Once you have installed Studio, you can follow along with the step-by-step guide below:

  • Open file explorer and navigate to your installation of Studio
    • Either create or locate the Mods folder under NominalStudio\NominalStudio\Mods\
  • Copy and extract your UGC mods into the NominalStudio\NominalStudio\Mods\ folder


Verifying UGC content in Studio

If you want to verify your imported UGC content in Studio, you can list the imported packages in a separate window by pressing the 4th button on the left-hand side of the top toolbar. From there a new window will display both the default and your imported mods.
