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FAQ: How do I create UGC content?


UGC mods is currently not supported natively by Unreal Engine 4.26. Have a look in the FAQ if you want to install UGC in Unreal Engine.

How do I create a Mod?

To get started, you will NominalModKit to create your first UGC mod. Once you have installed and opened the software, you can follow along with the step-by-step guide below:

  • In the top toolbar, click on Create UGC button
  • A window will appear to create your new UGC mod
    • Make sure to give your package a name first
    • The Author and Description fields are optional
    • Finally, click on Create Mod button to create your mod
  • A new folder will appear in your Content Browser for your UGC content


Where do I add my Mod content?

Make sure you add all your blueprints, meshes, materials, textures and other resources in your mod’s content folder. You can find the folder in the Content Browser tab, with the name of your mod. (example: ExampleMod Content)
